Monday, December 14, 2009

Reflection of my portfolio

I think that my portfolio was well written and put together nicely. Over all, my graphics matched each trait, and the metaphor I used in my portfolio well represented the traits. I explained how each part of an outfit or step to making an outfit is like a trait. I provided 2 examples of work from this semester for each trait that I feel best represented my best work in that trait.
This semester has gone by so fast and I've learned so much. I've learned how to mature as a writer, and as you can see from this portfolio compared to last year's I've really matured. Not only in my writing but in my website making skills as well. I feel that I've done the best I could to sum up my writing progress into one portfolio.
....Please answer the following questions pertaining my portfolio.
  1. What did you like best about my portfolio and portfolio conference? What would you like to see me improve on in my portfolio?
  2. From your point of view, which of my attainments of the 4 traits of writing is of most value? Please explain why you feel it is important and what about my documentation of it impresses you.
  3. Which of the traits of writing would you like me to focus on in the coming semester?

What's the purpose?
  1. It is an opportunity for them to comment on your learning and
  2. It is part of my assessment of your attainment of General Learning Outcome #5, "Effective Communicator." Your sharing of the portfolio should enable your parents to reflect and respond to the three questions above.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Angry Letter Draft

Topic: Putting Recycling Bins in the Waipahu

Dear, City and County of Honolulu

I've been living here my whole life and I must say it's the most beautiful place to live. The great beaches, the perfect weather, and just that welcome feeling I get every where I go. I've grown to love this island and this island loves me. This island is constantly advancing and making changes that help to benefit the environment and the community. I mostly love the fact that this island is helping our environment by distributing blue and green bins around to people all over the island to help with collecting recyclables.
But during one of my family's drives around the island last summer sometime in July I noticed that Hawaii Kai was one of the only neighborhoods that have these bins. Why is it that one side of the island gets bins before the other? It just upsets me that it is taking so long for blue bins to come to this side of the island. It's been a year since I've heard about the project, but still I have not seen a blue bin at all here in Waipahu. I understand that there are phases in distributing the bins and Kahuku and Kahaluu are getting their bins, and that all bins will be distributed by May of 2010. If the city and county really wants to have a big impact on the environment I advise that you get some bins to the rest of the island. My family and I always find it hard to "be green" because it's a pain to go out to the Reynolds recycling trucks with all of our cans in order to recycle or cans and bottles. They normally end up sitting outside or being thrown. Not having these bins is really an inconvienece for myself and my family, and we feel we should be able to have the same benefits from these bins as some of the other select few here on Oahu.
I think in order to solve this problem, the city and county should allow our individual neighborhoods to be in charge of counting how many bins are needed, and distribute them. If the bins are the communities responsibility I feel that they will get to the homes in that neighborhood faster. Also, I think as something temporary while we wait for our bins, the city and county should provide recycling curbside pick up. If it's possible, trucks can come over to houses that don't have bins and pick up our recyclables anyways.
All in all, I feel that what the city and county is doing to help it's people be more environmentally friendly is great step forward in helping to modernize and improve our island as a whole. But again, I just wish that the distribution of the bins could be faster because it is really an inconvience to myself and my family. My family and I try to be as green as we can for Oahu but I feel that our city and county should help me achieve that.

Monday, November 9, 2009

pro con essay rough draft

Media has become a way of life for many teens. Whether it be watching t.v, texting, or surfing the web. Teens are constantly finding an outlet to the media. Many teens have in fact, become under the influence of the media.
Some may think that teens are old enough and should be independent enough to make the right decisions, and to be smart enough not to be under the influence of whats in the media. In a study by Cornell teens were also found to take longer when making decisions. They ponder over the pros and cons and often take longer, because they know which is right and wrong. This can lead to people assuming that they'll make the right decisions most of the time. But in fact this is not true. Just because teens take longer to make decisions does not mean they'll always make the right ones. In this study it was also found that most teens choose to make risky decisions because they feel that the benefits out weigh the risks. And with the influences of the media showing unprotected sex, and other risky behaviors teens feel that it is okay to make hurtful decisions. Teens are in the stage in their lives where they feel that they want to and need to be accepted by their peers and society. The media paints the image of the "perfect" or "ideal" man or women, and teens feel that they need to live up to that.
Also, teens base their behaviors on influences in the media. For example, teens who carry guns and other weapons were found to have played violent video games or watch violent movies. The fiction of such things like war and shoot outs has blinded teens to the reality if these situations. The media makes teens believe that these fictional situations are what it is like in reality. Another example of this is in t.v shows like Gossip Girl, which portrays high school students as individuals that have unprotected sex, and party all of the time. Shows like this can spark a teens desire to have sex or party, without them thinking about the consequences of these actions. Also, most of the girls in this show are stick thin. Teenage girls who watch this show can feel that they are too fat, and feel that they need to do what ever it takes to change their whole self image.
All in all, the media has been a way of life for many teens. It has and will always influence their lives. Whether it be a video game, a song, a movie or a t.v show. The Hollywood version of the real world will often overshadow the reality of the world. Teens use the media as a way to mold themselves into who the media says they should be, because it seems like the only way to feel good about themselves, or be accepted by the rest of society.

Risky Business Thesis, 2 pros, con

Thesis: Various influences in the media pressure teen into changing who they are.

Con: Teens should be old enough and know better not to decide to be sucked in by the media. Teenagers know that they are they're own person and have the maturity to make decisions that are right for them. In fact, in a recent study by Cornell ( it was found that teens ponder more on the pros and cons of the situation and actually understand and overestimate the risks. There fore, teens have the ability to make smarter and wiser decisions.

Pro 1: Yes, but the study also shows that teens choose to do the wrong thing because they feel that the benefits outweigh the risks. There fore, proving that even though teens take longer to make decisions does not mean they'll make the right one. Also, teens practically use the media like a bible. Consulting with it when they want to know the latest trend, or freshest gossip. Teens are in a stage in their lives where they want to be accepted by their peers, and the media creates the image that is acceptable among society.

Pro 2: Also, teens base their behaviors on what they see in the media. For example, some teens who carry around guns and act violently were linked to violent video games and movies. Teens also think that this type of behavior is okay because this fiction has become their reality. When teens see something in the media they feel that they need to act that way and look a certain way in order to be acceptable. For example, shows like Gossip Girl portray having sex as something that is normal without any consequences. It also portrays the majority of these girls as stick thin. With shows like Gossip Girl, teens feel pressured into feeling like they can have unprotected sex and not suffer the consequences. Or, feel like they have to be stick thin in order to be beautiful and accepted.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

College essay draft-Living "Unplugged"- UW essay topic

I feel like I'm in a bad reality show. You know, one of those ones where you have to play a game to get money, or do something totally stupid to get half a million dollars. The living room seems as if a big hole has been punched through it, now that the TV is gone. Dust bunnies, and cob webs finally see daylight after years of collecting behind a flat screen tv. In the family room, two walls once flanked by our mac and PC, are gone it's nothing but a empty space now. I feel like I'm living in a cave, cut off from the rest of society, unplugged from my outlet to a modern day life.
Living unplugged has been a challenge, especially in this technologically advanced world we live in. We've been so consumed by texting, myspace, youtube, and facebook. It is nearly impossible for me to go a day without watching TV or going on the computer. It's become a way of life. Giving up my lifestyle for a year has not been easy. The initial reaction from people was "Are you serious?!?", and you can tell I haven't been taken seriously on my commitment to being "unplugged" for a year. I don't blame them for thinking that about my situation, most teenagers can't do it for a year let a alone one week. Even I thought there was no hope for me in this situation. But life has become much simpler, I don't have to worry about missing Project Runway or Glee, or I don't have to think about getting back to people's texts and comments on facebook and youtube. I have been able to talk to my family without an interrupting phone call or text message. I've grown closer to them, now that we've had no other choice than to find entertainment in each other. There has been a lot of quiet time where I could just sit down and reflect on myself and figure out who I really am now that all of the distractions entering my life through my outlet to the modern day world have been cut off. I feel like the little kid I was in those old home movies again. Playing board games, and riding my bike with my little sister as if we were both 5 years old again.
I guess living a year unplugged has exposed me to myself. I've been able to complete my journey to self discovery after this one year of being unplugged. No distractions or anything to influence my train of thought, I was forced to listen to my own thoughts and no one else. It was scary but it was worth it. Worth it to become closer with my family, and worth it to bring out the true Angela Valdez. Sometimes simplicity is all it takes bring complexity to your life.
** Note: This was written in the perspective that I actually did live "unplugged" for a year. I wrote on how I'd assume thinks would be like.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Journal #9

What I liked about the novel "Ophelia Speaks" was that it was a very relatable and unsensored novel. What I mean by unsensored was that the stories were told directly from the view of different girls, showing their stories and struggles. Some stories made me cry while other stories made me open my eyes, and others made me feel squeemish. For example, one story talked about how a girl took for granted her mother and when she finally lost her battle with breast cancer, she realized how much her mother really meant to her. This story made me cry because she was losing her mother and she didn't really care. Also, all of the stories about eating disorders and self abuse made me feel really squeemish. They went into such detail on how they would starve themselves, or hurt themselves and I found myself thinking how could they do that to themselves. Then there were the stories of how some girls were sexually assaulted or molested. When I read these stories it was sort of eye opening to hear that girl's my age across this country are going through more pain in their teenage years than I would probably never go through in my life time. One, story in particular about how a girl described how her brother raped her made me feel disgusted. I thought to myself, how can a sibling do that to his own sister?
All in all, Ophelia speaks was a very raw unsensored book of the struggles of teenage girls. It brought a sense of awareness to my life and the way I think about how tough being a teenager really is.

Journal #8

I have not exactly picked a specific college that I have a burning desire to attend. But I do know that I want to stay on the West Coast, in states like California and Washington, and possibly up north in Canada. Some colleges I've been looking at are UW (university of Washington) and Art Institute. I really enjoy both of these areas of the US and I love both of these campuses. At, UW I've been thinking about going into bussiness and getting a marketing degree, then going to arts school to study graphic design. Preparing for college means writing the infamous college essay. Looking at the college essays in class helped think about the college essay in a different way. Yes, in these essays you are suppose to state your achievements but also you have to stand out from the rest of the pack. For the Arts Institute I couldn't really find a specific essay topic for application. Just to state your achievements and to provide a portfolio of your work. As for UW the essay topics change every year. But one essay topic I've found is this: If you were required to "unplug" for one year, describe the influence this would have in your life, your anticipated reaction, reactions of others in your life, and how you might change after your "unplugged" experience. "Unplugged" means no computers or other technology such as cell phones. Making my college essay great makes all the difference for my college application. Also I have found another interesting topic for USC; Newton’s First Law of Motion states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion in the same direction unless acted upon by an external force. Tell us about an external influence (a person, an event, etc.) that affected you and how it caused you to change direction.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Coming of Age.......Camp Mokul'ea (draft)

I resorted to my normal "lonely girl" tactic, twisting my slim pink phone in my hand, opening and snapping it shut as if I were checking new texts. Then came the occasional pretending to text some one when I really wasn't to make it seem to people that I did have friends, and that I wasn't a complete loser. But I wasn't fooling myself, I was a loner and I knew it. I set my phone down on the bench and looked around at everybody around me. I've been in this situation before, I was the lonely girl and everbody else had a group of friends to hang out with and have a good time with at this SPAM retreat. My stomach churned in disgust. UHH!! What was I thinking, intentionally putting myself in this situation?!?! Well it was too late now. The busses were pulling into the St. Jude parking lot, those stupid yellow over sized vehicles were going to take me to 3 days of missery at Camp Mokule'a.
It was a small little camp with an ocean view and the faint sound of waves breaking at the rocks and soft rustle of the trees to add to it's peaceful ambiance. It almost made me forget how miserable I felt. I soon snapped out of it when Steve, the retreat leader said that girl's may go into the lodge and go to our assigned rooms and get ready for dinner. Great. I reluctantly walked into room number 5.
It was around 7:00 p.m by the time we sat down for dinner. I was across the table from one of my room mates Faye. We had both opted for the fish and we both agreed that it had to be the best camp food we've ever eaten. I glanced up from my food and looked at a couple of juniors from my curch that also came to the retreat. I guess Faye noticed because she asked me if I wanted to sit with my friends. I thought how ironic, I thought I'd be in the guilty position of asking some one if I was keeping them from being with their friends.
"No, I didn't come with friends. Those are just older people from my church, my umm. mom forced me to come." I said trying to explain my situation
"Oh, me too. To tell you the truth I didn't want to come."
I should have known by the look on her face when I first met her. She was smiling yet I could see that she was miserable behind her facade. But over the next couple days the fake smiles were replaced with genuine ones. As I spent more time with Faye and some other new people I met, I realized I wasn't alone. As time passed and activities went on I realized that a lot of people were feeling alone and needed a friend, other people like me that often felt rejected by some other so called "popular groups". The retreat was starting to come full circle from that dreadful first day outside of St. Jude's church. Soon I was smiling and laughing with new friends like Faye, Dani my other roommate, and Trey who must be one of the funniest guys I've met.
Not only had I made friends but I became much more reassured in my faith with God. As I learned that first night in the chapel, God always forgives and had a purpose for us. I was also privlidged enough hear inspiring true stories from the people who had lived through them. I had become aware of other people around me with sadder stories than just being the "loner" all the time. And I became greatful and much more humbled by what I've been blessed to have, as some other's aren't so lucky. By the end of the retreat I had a new outlook on life and what it really means to step out of your comfort zone. When things started to come to a close I felt liberated and strong, like I could take on anything. In a way I grew up, I became more aware of the world around me and that I am not the only one who feels alone and uncomftarble when stepping out of the realm of ones own comfort. I had created a whole new part of myself, one that was open and willing to go beyond myself in the hope of discovering who I am. Though I'm not fully aware of who I am, this retreat had given me the tools to finding out just exactly who that is.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My writing Experiences

Writing is something that has always been a part of my life. Ever since I learned how to write my name until the most recent writing venture; this blog, I've had many writing experiences through all of my years in school.
Some of my best writing experiences include some where I got to be personal in my writing, giving people a sense of who I am. Writing pieces such as my roots and recipe, and querencia papers really show a sense of who I am. When I wrote these I found it to be easier then just writing a report because it was about me and being personal.
Other great experiences I've had was creative writing pieces. These are memorable to me because I can be free to write any story I want, and just make up my own little world with my ideas on paper. One short story that I called "Left-Over Lasagna" was about the gift of giving. It took place in New York during Christmas time and is about a girl named Ella that learns about that giving is better than getting. I also enjoyed having a creative writing session at the begining of every period in my 8th grade english class.
One goal that I have this year as a writer is to be able to easily get all of my ideas on to paper instead of struggling to come up with the words to project them out onto paper. I want to be able to do this by first organizing all of my thoughts into one writing plan, and to also use the 6 traits as a guideline for my writing.