Thursday, February 25, 2010

Persephone- final

Being down here
Engulfed by all this doubt
pain, and defeat.
Isn't so lovely.

Drowning in the dark
I'm trying to find myself
Through all the hardships
and tiring struggles
It's a constant battle.

But still I push on.
I say to myself
Don't ever give up hope.
But at times that seem hopeless.
I'm beaten and aching
I'm dying inside.

Searching for the light at the
end of this long tunnel.
Searching for freedom.
No matter what.
I push on.

And so here I am.
It is quite bright.
And it's beckoning me.
To come up and rise
from the darkness of
defeat once again.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This I Believe- Brainstorming....Journal #30

You can't live a full life if you wait around for great things to happen to you. You have to make them happen for yourself.
Story: dance class; being the first to talk to some one, and make friends
Work hard for the things you want in life
Story: ballet, dance class, making it on dance team
Life is unexpected, you have to roll with it.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Being down here
Engulfed by all this doubt
pain, and defeat
Isn't so lovely.

Drowning in the dark
I have been taken.
I run but can't seem to
find a way out.

I push on.
But can't seem to stay
on my feet long enough.
But still I go on.

Searching for the light at the
end of this long tunnel.
Searching for freedom.

And so here I am.
It is quite bright.
And it's beckoning me.
To come up and rise
from the darkness of
defeat once again.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Allusive poem brain stroming

I think that for my allusive poem I would like to reference the goddess Persephon, I'd like to Persephon, because she was the goddess of spring. And even though she was abducted by Hades of the Under world she still kept her head high and never gave up hope.
I think my allusive poem would be about how I am like her, in the way that I never give up. I will probably show that no matter how tough and hopeless things seem I will stick it out and always look on the bright side.