Monday, November 9, 2009

pro con essay rough draft

Media has become a way of life for many teens. Whether it be watching t.v, texting, or surfing the web. Teens are constantly finding an outlet to the media. Many teens have in fact, become under the influence of the media.
Some may think that teens are old enough and should be independent enough to make the right decisions, and to be smart enough not to be under the influence of whats in the media. In a study by Cornell teens were also found to take longer when making decisions. They ponder over the pros and cons and often take longer, because they know which is right and wrong. This can lead to people assuming that they'll make the right decisions most of the time. But in fact this is not true. Just because teens take longer to make decisions does not mean they'll always make the right ones. In this study it was also found that most teens choose to make risky decisions because they feel that the benefits out weigh the risks. And with the influences of the media showing unprotected sex, and other risky behaviors teens feel that it is okay to make hurtful decisions. Teens are in the stage in their lives where they feel that they want to and need to be accepted by their peers and society. The media paints the image of the "perfect" or "ideal" man or women, and teens feel that they need to live up to that.
Also, teens base their behaviors on influences in the media. For example, teens who carry guns and other weapons were found to have played violent video games or watch violent movies. The fiction of such things like war and shoot outs has blinded teens to the reality if these situations. The media makes teens believe that these fictional situations are what it is like in reality. Another example of this is in t.v shows like Gossip Girl, which portrays high school students as individuals that have unprotected sex, and party all of the time. Shows like this can spark a teens desire to have sex or party, without them thinking about the consequences of these actions. Also, most of the girls in this show are stick thin. Teenage girls who watch this show can feel that they are too fat, and feel that they need to do what ever it takes to change their whole self image.
All in all, the media has been a way of life for many teens. It has and will always influence their lives. Whether it be a video game, a song, a movie or a t.v show. The Hollywood version of the real world will often overshadow the reality of the world. Teens use the media as a way to mold themselves into who the media says they should be, because it seems like the only way to feel good about themselves, or be accepted by the rest of society.


  1. Hey Angela-

    Nice job on your essay. I liked the way you stated your opinion and also referenced some of your resources. You showed that very well especially in your first paragraph about teens being influenced by the media. After reading this essay I was actually taking your side and you really persuaded me to believe all the things you mention. What I really like about this essay, was the voice was well written. Usually argumentative essays don't attract me or keep me hooked but I was engage throughout almost the whole essay! The ending was also very powerful! Again, nice job! :)


  2. Angela,

    Good job! I enjoyed reading this essay and I really liked how you put accurate studies that were tested as evidence. Your essay is very "on point" with your topic and is very persuasive. I agree with many things that were said in this essay and that is the goal for our assignment. You used a lot of your opinion which is good because I know how you as a teen feel about your topic.


  3. Hi Angela,
    Clear job of making a case for media guilt in teen risk behavior. Good citation of certain TV shows to support your point.
    What's needed is more hard evidence to support the cause and effect relationship...that teen exposure to the media results in teen risk behavior. For example, the example on violence...there is research available that actually connects watching violence and violent behavior. That's what you need for your research evidence.

    mrs s
